
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good News World UPDATE

So its been a few weeks since GNWorld appeared on our screens. Initially, I felt it might have been a flop because it was only the first episode but now, I don't think it'll get any better.

With its new format of skits and host talks, the content all seems to be prepared and are mostly not as funny. The GNWeek format had games and guest appearances which made everything feel more spontaneous and even the awkward silences were sometimes funny.

Most notably is there is now a stable main cast, which now includes Julia Morris. In GNWeek, they would instead invite 4 guests each week to be members of two teams and verse each other in games. Sometimes there were also musical guests to assist in these games by singing songs and giving clues. Past guests included international celebrities and even Kevin Rudd. I remember my favourites were Jensen Ackles from Supernatural and the Irish Comedian Ross Noble.

Without these elements of the show, comedian guests lose a way to promote their own comedic shows and the GNW franchise itself has lost a way to attract viewers. Personally, I really enjoyed the old format and wish it had never changed.

Read my old post about GNWorld's premier here.

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